Friday, March 13, 2009

Weigh day

No, the scale was not hiding from me today! I am so happy to report a current weight of 185.8!!! That is 2.6 less from that last Friday's weight of 188.4. Finally I feel back on track. I told myself when I hit the 185 mark I would switch up my exercise routine and add some weight training. So, we'll see how that goes. Now that the extra weight is coming off, it's time to start toning up. This is a great way to start the weekend, unlike last week that left me frustrated and disappointed. Maybe I will even splurge on something yummy tonight! After all it is pizza night at our house.....


  1. you're loosing it and even though last week was my "fat" week (aka aunt flo), i had to unbutton my fat pants this week (which should be my skinnier week cause all that water weight should be gone, right?)

    uugh. suppose i should start dieting. but, that means i'd have to pay attention to what i eat. and actually eat.

  2. BTW its true if you don't eat you gain weight (or don't loose weight).

    the good news here though is that i have gotten TO the weight i was before i got pregnant with holly.

    now only 20 pounds to go to the weight i was before i got preg with kendal.

  3. That is not bad at all!!! I still have a good 25 to go until I am at the weight I was before Gabe (my ONLY child born 2 years ago!)
