Friday, May 22, 2009

Weigh -in

Current weight 183.8!!!

1.2 lbs lost since last time. So far so good with Weight Watchers.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Here it is!

Yay Gabe!
You can't tell from the picture, but it is hanging proudly on the fridge! Also, check out his face! That is pure spaghetti mouth!

Monday, May 18, 2009

quick weight update

We are back on track, folks. I weighed 185 this morning after a full week of weight watchers (1.6 pounds lost).

I will weigh again next Monday. I am on a mission now to be in the 170's by June 15th. No reason for that particular date-just a Monday about a month away

Potty update

Well, the girls are off the hook for now. I was informed last week that they actually owe two kids a potty certificate, they are just waiting to get new batteries for the camera. They did apologize and explained they had been having the worst week (toilet in the 2 year old room was broken and overflowing, one of the girls had to have her hours cut back, etc.). I agree, everyone has bad days but they should really try to keep it out of the classroom. I guess we are lucky in that we don't have to make excuses for our bad days, and we can act in any way we feel without having to keep up a front for 20 kids. I know it's a hard job, so I really try and give them the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully he will receive his certificate soon, and it will all be water under the bride.

One last note: He used the potty 3 times each day over the weekend (morning, after lunch, and after dinner), had one accident in his Diego underwear, and had one small piece of poop in the potty yesterday! Big weekend. It was nice having two full days to devote to the process, so I am hoping he does as well at school this week. If he keeps up at this pace, maybe we can make a beach trip without diapers this summer!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Potty time

First let me say that Gabe has been doing really well with this whole potty training process. Over the weekend, he used the potty 3 times, and even got to wear his Diego underwear for a little while. He had one accident Sunday, but we moved on and he was able to use the potty again that night. Monday morning at daycare we told them about his progress and how we have been focusing on sitting down vs standing up (at daycare they teach the boys to stand, so I wanted to clear this up with the girls). So they assured me they would have Gabe sit on the potty and see what happens. Now I have to say here that when they go potty for the first time at school, it is a HUGE deal. They get gummy bears, lots of hugs and kisses, and most importantly, a potty certificate. I have been so excited to get this certificate for Gabe, and I was hopeful it would happen this week. Anyway, no potty on Monday. Tuesday when I picked him up, I was just about out the door when I remembered to ask about the potty that day. One of the girls (who I still love no matter what) tells me, "oh yeah, I think he did go today." All unemotional and irritated sounding (I could tell it had been a rough day because both of his teachers looked and sounded terrible). So I walked over to his chart and sure enough there it was...WP:) That means went potty. Immediately I am so excited and happy and hugging and kissing Gabe, and his teachers are just standing there acting like it's no big deal!!!! I'm like, of all the days to be in a bad mood or cranky for whatever reason. Not on Gabe's first official potty day!! Needless to say, there was no certificate, and I walked out of there feeling really bummed out. I can only hope today is a new day, and Gabe receives the proper reward that he deserves. Maybe I need to put Gary on it. They love him there. I know it's only a piece of paper, but I have been really excited to put it up on the fridge!!! Maybe today will be the day. I will put a picture on my next blog if he comes home with his certificate!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Stupid weigh-in

186.6 pounds to start off this week. great

Monday, May 11, 2009

Here we go again

I have hit a road block in my weight loss journey. I have been stuck at 184 for almost 3 weeks now, with a one time reading of 182. Must have been a good day. Anyway, I have done some critical thinking on this issue and have come up with the solution that has proven successful in the past- Weight Watchers. I have done well with my diet and exercise, but I still have some late night binges that are holding me back. I also tend to forget about portion control, the one thing that WW stresses. So I am going to start back with the plan on my own (can't afford to join officially right now), and see if I can get rid of these last 15-20 pounds. I don't have any of the original books/material, but thank God I have my old login that still works for the online version! Thank you computer for remembering this information! Anyway, I am going to get back on track and get rid of this leftover baby weight. I know I have come a long way from the original 194.4 reading a few months ago, not to mention the drop in size from a 16-18 to a 12-14. Still, I need to get into a solid 12 and a weight no more than 170. I can do this, it is just going to take some extra discipline. I will get back to my weekly weigh-ins here, too, which will serve as my "meeting weigh'ins." It's time to get serious!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thirty Something....

It has finally happened to me-wrong age assumption.

Here is the conversation:

coworker: I don't feel at all like I am nearing 50. I feel closer to the age of you guys. You're in your mid-thirties, right? That's more how I feel today.

me: (shock). No, I haven't hit thirty yet. This is the big year

coworker: Oh! You are still in your 20's? I thought you were somewhere in your mid-thirties.

me: (feeling really bad now). Nope, I turn 30 this year

That is basically the gist of it

At least let me enjoy my last few months in my 20's people!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Go Diego, Go!

It is time to get serious about the potty training. Between our recent pay-cut, increase in health insurance premiums and co-pays, and uncertainty about the next fiscal year, Gary and I are cutting monthly costs left and right. We figured we are paying about $100-$160 in diapers a month between daycare and home. We can drastically reduce this with a little effort and creativity. Unfortunately Gabe's first use of the potty was a fluke, and have not had a similar experience since. I have enlisted two tactics that I think might help to get the ball rolling. There are two things Gabe is crazy about right now. One, Diego and two, Wonder Pets. Last week I bought him some Wonder Pets fruit chews, and I have been good about saving them for special occasions-like a special treat (except for this morning when I had to give him a pouch to get him out the door to school). Yesterday I picked up a pack of Diego "big boy" underwear that I think will help with the process. I have not quite figured out my plan of attack, but I am hoping between the reward process and his new underwear we have a chance for success. It would be so great to have him on the road to potty training by mid summer. The beach trips would be so much easier and more comfortable!! I think I will try with the underwear this afternoon....

Wish us luck!

Monday, May 4, 2009

No Smoking Please!

It's been a while since my last blog, but today I felt compelled to write this one. This is in reference to something that happened Sunday afternoon on our way to Goose Creek State Park. Having experienced this for the second time now, I really wanted to comment on it.

Everyone knows that you should not smoke at the gas station, especially while pumping gas, right???? There is a possibility for something dangerous to happen, and gas stations are aware of this possibility, hence all the warning signs that decorate the islands. So why is it that gas station employees feel the need to totally disregard their warning signs and light up a cigarette right near the pumps? The first time I witnessed this, an employee was lighting a cig and walking with her clipboard to the pumps to take the number readings. Never mind the fact that I just started pumping gas at the same time and had my 2 year old child in the car with me, windows wide open. I fussed at her about it and she looked at me like I was crazy. Uh...hello???? You are smoking this cigarette right below the very sign telling you no smoking allowed! Job well done.

The second time this happened was yesterday, and in this case the employee was walking outside, lighting up for her break as she walks up to Gary and Gabe to tell them to prepay for the gas. So Gary is pumping gas, Gabe is in the backseat again (windows open), and she is smoking right next to Gary and the pumping gas. Then she walks over to the next couple and does the same thing!!! Again, signs are clearly marked all over reading "No Smoking". Another job well done.

I think what makes me the most mad about this is I don't understand why I am the only one who sees something wrong with this picture! Gary is all like, "what's the big deal?" Uh...the safety of you and your child is what's the big deal. It might not be as dangerous as I think it is, but the possibility for something to ignite still exists, and if I can avoid that situation I will. Besides, the signs say "No Smoking." reason enough. It even bothers me when someone talks on their cell phone while pumping across from me. Be cautious people. Maybe it's just me, but my motto has always been "safety first!"