Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Awe

You would not believe this unless you saw it with your own eyes:

Gabe loves his cartoons, and does not let me or Gary watch ANYTHING else if he is in the room with us. "to-toons to-toons" is what he will repeat over and over until we finally give in. So yesterday we were all home snowed in (which I was so excited about because I desperately wanted to watch the inauguration), and I had the TV on all day with the footage of the inauguration. We ventured outside to play in the snow twice, but other than that we were glued in front of the TV. Gabe layed on the couch with us silent as the events were unfolding. It was like he knew he was watching something memorable and historic (I know....quite a stretch). I don't know what came over him that he was content to just sit and watch this all day without even a mutter of the word "to-toon!" We kept joking about it as the day went on, and it just become more and more amazing to see. The funny part came at the end after President and First Lady Obama were ushered into the viewing/observing room. The clip faded out and Brian Williams came on to tell us that they would be back at 6:00 with the evening news and I look over at Gabe as he says just as loud and clear "the end"
It must have been something in the air because I, too, was in awe of everything I watched that afternoon. What a great way to spend the day!

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