Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gift Idea

We attended a birthday party Sat. for Gabe's good buddy, Kaden. It was his 2nd and he and Gabe have sort of grown up together. Anyway, my friend Allison bought him this adorable washing machine that is hillarious. It has the wash cycle, spin cycle, and a drying cycle. Plus it is black and "stainless" so it is very gender neutral (not that it really matters since Gabe's favorite is a hot pink vaccuum!). Anyway, it actually goes through the cycles with noise and lights and everything. Allison called me the day she bought it and asked me if I wanted one for Gabe. Of course, it was only $7!!!! So he played with Kaden's at the birthday party (photo) then was super excited to see I had one for him as well. First item in the washer-his socks. Second item-his little men action figures. They go round and round and round, and Gabe loves it. I am curious what he will think to put in there next!

I forget the brand name, but the box was blue and pink-you can't miss it. I would highly recommend this for any child around this age, boy or girl! They also have a really cool coffee maker of the same brand, but we didn't get that one. It looked just as cute. Anyway, this is keeping Gabe occupied until the next new toy.


  1. one of kendal's favorite toys is a pink barbie keyboard...

  2. ok so when i wrote that it was a one handed effort... i had to be brief.

    (was feeding holly)

    another good gift idea is a keyboard. it is genderless, like the dryer and coffee maker, and it encourages music skills! i love hearing kendal play songs... and even more - dance to them! :)
