Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Day of School!

I don't know how many of you know this, but I am going back to school starting this semester (well, today really). It has been a long time coming and I have wanted to start on a new career path for some time now. Soooooooo, I was granted a full scholarship for a Masters in Library Science at ECU! So as I get all my notebooks organized today, I am like an excited kid on his first day of school! The program is anywhere from 1-3 years and totally online, so that will be completely new and foreign to me. Even in my 5 years (yes 5, plus one more!!) as an undergrad I never had to take anything online. It is very scary to me, but hopefully I will have no problem keeping up and joining discussion boards?!?

So, I have read the sylabus and am anxious to start my first class as a graduate student. Foundations of Library and Information Studies! I will keep everyone posted as it progresses. If all goes well, I will complete this program in 2 years and have both my Masters degree and coordinating license. This is going to be my first step into the school system, and then I will see where I can go from there. I love the idea of having some where to grow with this profession unlike my current job that is completely dead end.

I know this might be brand new information to some of you, but it is something that has been in the works for close to 2 years now. Unfortunately that is going to show how out of touch I am with you guys. Anyway, wish me luck as I get ready to take my first online quiz!!!!!


  1. Good luck, Emily! After seeing you with those humunguous trays of envelopes, a card catalog should be a piece of cake! ;)

  2. like people really use a card catalog these days... or do they?

    good luck! and i think it is a wonderful thing to go back to school, especially for another career!
