Friday, February 19, 2010

Sweet Story

Here is a Friday story to put a smile on everyone's face-or at least on my face.

My mom babysat Gabe last night while Gary and I spent some time shopping and eating dinner in Greenville after my doctor's appointment. I called her from the restaurant to check and see how things were going, and she told me the funniest story about their dinner at McDonald's. Now Gabe is always a perfect angel for his Grandma, and last night proved no different. She told me they were seated next to a group of older gentlemen enjoying some McDonald's coffee. One of the men told my mom how impressed with Gabe he was and that he looked like a very nice young man. Apparently Gabe must have been on his super dooper best behavior. They continue on with their dinner, and when the men got up to leave, the same one that spoke to them before handed Gabe a dollar bill! He said that he was so impressed with Gabe and that he deserved an ice cream cone for dessert! So this random stranger was so impressed with my perfect angel of a son that he decided to buy him an ice cream cone. I bet Gabe was so excited to get that dollar bill. He loves money, and he especially loves to pay for things himself. I wish I could have been there. Funny how things like this only happen when Grandma is babysitting-


  1. that is a sweet story! (sweet on 2 levels!)

    i'm glad he is well behaved with her. he's always well behaved when i'm around too. kendal is usually a great child - only a rare instant (or instances, like this entire week - teeth?) does he cry or scream or even shed a tear.

    guess that means you are a good parent, emily (and gary too), to give him enough food and rest and exercise - and it means he is smart enough to communicate with you and others! yay!

  2. oh, and BTW, i just clicked on the little birdy link on your sidebar - allison sent me a card with the flower on it recently. i've had a creative block lately and i have stamp club on sunday (and i haven't made a SINGLE card for it yet... i have to create 2 for the club to make,) anyway i think i'll make one of those! it looks so cool! and easier than i expected...

  3. posted a picture of the card i made with the flower on FB... not really a pretty card, but, i just wanted to teach the technique. anyway, thanks to you both for showing me that. it was SOOOOO easy! maybe next time i'll spend a little more time thinking about the card design. :)
