Monday, February 22, 2010


I am swamped with an unbelievable amount of school work this week, so the blogs will be few and far between. This morning I had a doctor appt. and was pleased with my official weight of 176.2-with clothes on! Yes!!! At 175 I am allowing myself a pedicure or after I run the two 5ks next month, whichever comes first.

Also, I am busy working on a friend's baby announcements, so I will post pictures of those as soon as I finish them. They have to be in NJ by March 7th, so they should be done this week. They are ADORABLE!!!


  1. girl, you'll be below 175 next week.
    good luck with your school work. hope "work work" is easy so you can get it done there!

  2. I don't know what happened! I was right on schedule with all three classes, but all of a sudden everything is due March 5th, and there are so many things I have yet to start! My library blog for one. At least my teachers are allowing us to follow spring break, even though we are online. So, I will sort of get a break in two weeks.
