Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Potty time

First let me say that Gabe has been doing really well with this whole potty training process. Over the weekend, he used the potty 3 times, and even got to wear his Diego underwear for a little while. He had one accident Sunday, but we moved on and he was able to use the potty again that night. Monday morning at daycare we told them about his progress and how we have been focusing on sitting down vs standing up (at daycare they teach the boys to stand, so I wanted to clear this up with the girls). So they assured me they would have Gabe sit on the potty and see what happens. Now I have to say here that when they go potty for the first time at school, it is a HUGE deal. They get gummy bears, lots of hugs and kisses, and most importantly, a potty certificate. I have been so excited to get this certificate for Gabe, and I was hopeful it would happen this week. Anyway, no potty on Monday. Tuesday when I picked him up, I was just about out the door when I remembered to ask about the potty that day. One of the girls (who I still love no matter what) tells me, "oh yeah, I think he did go today." All unemotional and irritated sounding (I could tell it had been a rough day because both of his teachers looked and sounded terrible). So I walked over to his chart and sure enough there it was...WP:) That means went potty. Immediately I am so excited and happy and hugging and kissing Gabe, and his teachers are just standing there acting like it's no big deal!!!! I'm like, of all the days to be in a bad mood or cranky for whatever reason. Not on Gabe's first official potty day!! Needless to say, there was no certificate, and I walked out of there feeling really bummed out. I can only hope today is a new day, and Gabe receives the proper reward that he deserves. Maybe I need to put Gary on it. They love him there. I know it's only a piece of paper, but I have been really excited to put it up on the fridge!!! Maybe today will be the day. I will put a picture on my next blog if he comes home with his certificate!


  1. Bad day or no bad day, Gabe should not have been ignored by the ladies at the day care. This is such a HUGE accomplishment and there is no acceptable explanation for why they didn't treat this like the big deal that it is. I would certainly let them know that I was disappointed with their behavior. It wasn't Gabe's fault they were in a bad mood.

  2. Kind of disappointing -- I hope they were better the next day!

    Oh... and Josh is just now starting to stand up and he's been potty trained almost a year!

  3. i have a hard time letting one of those bad-days go when it comes to the teachers. i realize everyone has a bad day. but just because they are having a bad day doesn't mean we all have to have a bad day, you know? plus if their day is SO bad that they can't perform their duties to the BEST of their ability, then they need to go home.

    once i walked in on a teacher making a snappy remark to kendal (he was obviously too young to "get" it, but I HEARD IT and it pissed me off). not to worry, it wasn't his normal teacher (i LOVE his regular teachers, the mean one is the 2 year old teacher) - i haven't forgotten what she said to him that day and i won't soon forget it either. he'll be in a new school by the end of the summer so he won't have to have the "mean" teacher (who really is nice, i just caught her in a "moment" - but i just can't let it go in my mind!)

    back to the point, i'm so glad gabe is doing well with potty training. that is awesome. maybe you can make him a certificate on your computer! he's turning into such a little man!
