Monday, May 11, 2009

Here we go again

I have hit a road block in my weight loss journey. I have been stuck at 184 for almost 3 weeks now, with a one time reading of 182. Must have been a good day. Anyway, I have done some critical thinking on this issue and have come up with the solution that has proven successful in the past- Weight Watchers. I have done well with my diet and exercise, but I still have some late night binges that are holding me back. I also tend to forget about portion control, the one thing that WW stresses. So I am going to start back with the plan on my own (can't afford to join officially right now), and see if I can get rid of these last 15-20 pounds. I don't have any of the original books/material, but thank God I have my old login that still works for the online version! Thank you computer for remembering this information! Anyway, I am going to get back on track and get rid of this leftover baby weight. I know I have come a long way from the original 194.4 reading a few months ago, not to mention the drop in size from a 16-18 to a 12-14. Still, I need to get into a solid 12 and a weight no more than 170. I can do this, it is just going to take some extra discipline. I will get back to my weekly weigh-ins here, too, which will serve as my "meeting weigh'ins." It's time to get serious!

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