Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This is a totally random blog today, but Analee's recent postings of Kendal's "ugly" pictures made me remember this AWFUL picture of Gabe. It is so bad it makes me laugh every time I see it! That face-yuck! I just thought of one more I will post in another blog....I'm sure there are plenty more, but these two always make me laugh so hard! I must be really bored today!


  1. I don't know if Analee has ever told you about it, but I made a scrapbook of our horrible pictures. It is called "Our Funny Faces" and is always growing :-) These are the horrible, mid-sneeze, gagging faces that nobody wants to see, but are too funny to get rid of. I think we all need a book of pictures to laugh at :-)

  2. Are they of you and your sisters or the kids pictures? I am terrible with the ugly pictures...they all get thrown in the trash! The ones of me anyway!

  3. That is one bad picture! He looks like he ate something really awful. Hard to believe he can take a bad picture.
