Monday, March 30, 2009

That will be how much????

First, let me start off by saying I am NOT weighing this Friday! We had two birthday parties this weekend which included pizza, hotdogs, and lots and lots of birthday cake, and I am still feeling sick from it today. Not to mention the fact that we ate at Hardees last night, the ONE place I really can't bring myself to eat at. Ironically, it was my idea to eat there last night! They make the best chicken sandwich, and for some reason I was thinking it would be nice to eat something wholesome(?)....what was I thinking???

Anyway, we head there for dinner and I checked out the money situation beforehand. I had $18, so I figured no problem, that will easily cover it. Gary and I got the chicken sandwich combos and Gabe had the chicken tenders kids meal for a whopping $17.48!!!!!! I could not believe this. We could have ate at Down on Main Street for $18!!!!!! And it wasn't even that good....that's the worst part. Then when we were sitting down eating we started to notice all the signs in the windows with the "specials". So we could have gotten the spicy chicken sandwich for $1, a sweet tea for $1, or a 2 piece meal for $2.99! We were totally scammed by just looking at the menu (which really does not even list most of the stuff they serve). We learned our lesson and next time will order off the window deals. I still can't believe I spent $20 on some fast food last night.

Friday, March 27, 2009


We are going the wrong way people...187 this morning. Can you tell my enthusiasm in this post?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Other picture

hahaha!!!! He was so tired this day...what a face!


This is a totally random blog today, but Analee's recent postings of Kendal's "ugly" pictures made me remember this AWFUL picture of Gabe. It is so bad it makes me laugh every time I see it! That face-yuck! I just thought of one more I will post in another blog....I'm sure there are plenty more, but these two always make me laugh so hard! I must be really bored today!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Fun

Another trip to the boardwalk to feed the birds! Today we got a real treat. Not only did we feed our usual seagulls, but today the ducks and geese came around! The geese were so close, and I think Gabe was pretty impressed with them. I should have taken more pictures. Plus we saw lots of turtles in the water, so I think they are starting to make an appearance. Gabe will have so much fun seeing them in a few more weeks. We have so much fun down there, and the best part is it's free entertainment, and exercise for that matter!

Friday, March 20, 2009

How Cute is This?

Gabe was so cute singing these songs. Every now and then you can catch him singing, but the minute you make a big deal about it, he stops. I can't believe he let me tape these two songs. He must have been in a performing mood tonight. These were too cute not to share!


No big news for the day. Weighed 186.8 today, 1 pound higher than last week, but it's all good. I am feeling skinnier than ever today, so that's all that matters. Who knows-maybe the 1 pound gain is from the weight training I have incorporated into my workouts this week? Anyway, I am not going to stress it, and look forward to weighing again next week. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

There May be a Change in the Future....

Not all of you know what has been going on here lately, but to sum it up, I am in the middle of trying to get approved for a breast reduction. I had my initial consultation today, and things could go either way. In one breath I am the perfect candidate, but on the other hand I am missing some vital medical background info that might sway the decision the other way. While I have had back pain on and off for several years, I have never seen the doctor about this to get formal written documents. Also, I do not have the severe shoulder dents common to women with large breasts (from the bra straps). However, I have other measurements that look good on paper, and of course the horrific pictures speak for themselves. So, now it is up to the wonderful world of insurance to decide if I meet the qualifications to undergo this life altering surgery. The good news is I will find out in 3-4 weeks. The bad news is I really have a bad feeling this will not pass. If the letter says thanks but no thanks, I will simply try again after meeting whatever criteria they throw my way, and hope the 2nd time is a charm. I understand protocol involved, and I will follow whatever rules I need to follow. If things do by some miracle work out....I will be looking good just in time for the summer! ( I will have surgery in May, and be recovered in time for June) How amazing would that be? A bathing suit that actually fits????????? I won't know what to do! Everyone keep their fingers crossed!

Another fun quiz to pass the time....

>1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:23
> 2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds!
> 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? No clue...too expensive
> 4. What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy
> 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? yogurt, oatmeal, breakfast bar, or fruit
> 6. What is your middle name? Boersma now..really Ann
> 7.. What food do you dislike? cabbage, collards, and any canned meat!
> 8. What is your favorite CD at moment? one of my mixed 80's cds
> 9. What kind of car do you drive? Chevy Equinox
> 10. Favorite sandwich? BLT from Subway
> 11. What characteristic do you despise? know-it-all
> 12. Favorite item of clothing? my new black shoes from Goodwill!
> 13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation,
> where would you go? Utah to see my family, then Vegas again!
> 14. Favorite brand of clothing?I will always be a fan of Old Navy
> 15. Where would you retire to? the mountains
> 16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Sadly, none of them are very memorable. This next one is the big 3-0, though!
> 17. Favorite sport to watch? ESPN cheerleading!
> 18. Furthest place you are sending this? ?

> 19. Person you expect to send it back first? hum... not sure.
> 20. When is your birthday? 8/8
> 21. Are you a morning person or a night person? morning. thanks to Gabe
> 22. What is your shoe size? 8-1/2
> 23. Pets? Shebies!
> 24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with
> us? Maybe tomorrow- I go for my breast reduction consult today
> 25. What did you want to be when you were little? a marine biologist who was going to save the manatees
> 26. What are you today? good question...that is why I am back in school
> 27.. What is your favorite candy? twizzler bites
> 28. What is your favorite flower?recently I love tulips
> 29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking
> forward to? March 30th, payday
> 30.. What's your full name? Emily Boersma Davis
> 31. What are you listening to right now?the bathroom door opening and closing
> 32. What was the last thing you ate? blueberry fruit bar
> 33. Do you wish on stars? no
> 4. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? metalic gold
> 35. How is the weather right now? chilly, but sunny
> 36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? no one yet
> 37. Favorite soft drink? diet coke
> 38. Favorite restaurant? Today I would say Moes
> 39. Real hair color? dark blonde with no highlights....I hate being poor
> 40. What was your favorite toy as a child? probably Nintendo. John and I could play that for hours. Or this really cool kitchen with this realistic food I got for Christmas one year.
> 41. Summer or winter? I LOVE WINTER!!!
> 42. Hugs or kisses - yes
> 43. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate ice cream, but vanilla milkshake!
> 44. Coffee or tea? Coffee!
> 45. Do you want your friends to email you back? I'd love it!
> 46. When was the last time you cried? Like 2 min ago when I read that email from Analee about the mother of the 18 year old. Not a real cry, though. That was Sun. night after watching Australia
> 47. What is under your bed? One of Gabe's men, and tons of dust and dog hair
> 48. What did you do last night? watched American Idol and wanted to scream when Alexis went home
> 49. What are you afraid of? losing someone
> .
> 50. Salty or sweet? salty
> 51. How many keys on your key ring? 6
> 52. How many years at your current job? 8 this past February
> 53. Favorite day of the week? Friday
> 54. How many towns have you lived in? too many

> 55. Do you make friends easily?no
> 56. How many people will you send this to? whoever sees it on my blog
> 57. How many will respond? Hopefully all...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Job or no Job? That is the Question

Bev Purdue is announcing her attempts at handling the state budget today, right? In anticipation of this momentous event, our office is buzzing about all the typical rumors probably circling every office building in America for the past 6 months or so. What or who will be cut? When will we find out? What does this mean for us? etc. It seems everyone has his or her own idea about the fate of our state, but no one is speaking the truth. Yet, anyway. I want someone to sit me down and tell me when my time is up. I know it has to be coming (my project has ended for crying out loud), but the when part is making me sick to my stomach. I thought it was safe to assume we would all be ok through the end of the fiscal year (June30), but now I am not so sure. Some of us are on borrowed time, and I wish we could find out who sooner than later. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Monday, March 16, 2009


This movie was AWESOME!!!! I am so glad we picked this movie yesterday to watch (We almost got Rachel Getting Married, which I also want to see). I was curious if it would live up to the hype (Oprah's hype, anyway), and it totally did! It was mesmerizing, enchanting, mysterious, dreamy, all those good qualities you want in an old-fashioned romance. Those two are amazing together, and you literally couldn't take your eyes of of them for a second. But, have the Kleenex ready! I cried my eyes out for the last 45 minutes of the movie. The kind where you are still crying after the movie is over. And it's not that it's overly sad, just hits you in the emotional gut. I definitely want to add this to our movie collection!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Extreme Makeover, Baby!

Extreme Makeover in Jamesville, NC. Hard to believe, huh? I won't get into the whole spill here, but if you want some background information on the family, house, progress, etc. visit They are the ones in charge and do a great job of showcasing the event. Anyway, Gary was able to volunteer Thursday, and here are some behind the scenes pictures. He had a great time and said he thinks he got some camera time in during the day. We will all be watching for that, along with Kelly, Udee, Mika and Laurie as well. It was a family afair! The show airs Sunday, May 3rd so everyone mark it on your calendars!

Weigh day

No, the scale was not hiding from me today! I am so happy to report a current weight of 185.8!!! That is 2.6 less from that last Friday's weight of 188.4. Finally I feel back on track. I told myself when I hit the 185 mark I would switch up my exercise routine and add some weight training. So, we'll see how that goes. Now that the extra weight is coming off, it's time to start toning up. This is a great way to start the weekend, unlike last week that left me frustrated and disappointed. Maybe I will even splurge on something yummy tonight! After all it is pizza night at our house.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Down by the River

I have been meaning to post these pictures-just kept forgetting to do it at home. We feed the birds all the time (me, my mom, and Gabe), and I finally remembered to bring my camera this past weekend. Of course the birds were not cooperating this day, and only a few turtles were sticking their heads out of the water. Still, I got a few good shots of Gabe being his typical silly self. He is becoming quite the poser. He really gets into this-it is so cute. Except today he was holding the cereal my mom brougt and eating more than he was feeding the birds. Mybe next time I can catch some more action. We are so lucky to have this awesome boardwalk at our disposal!

Luck of the.....Polish/German?

This is a totally random thought in early observance of St. Patty's Day. While sitting at work this morning, a wave of luck came over me that I hadn't fully understood until today. In fact, I am so lucky right now I can't even believe it! Two reasons:

1. I have received a full tuition scholarship to pursue a Masters Degree of my choice
2. I can sit at work and do my school work so that I don't have to work on it at home

So in summary, I am getting a free Master's level education, and getting paid to complete the required work! People would kill for this opportunity, so I am making a vow to never take this for granted. Work is slow for me right now, so things will change in the summer. But until they do.....I'm in luck!

A closet full of clothes and nothing to wear...sound familiar?

First I must report that I added an extra weigh-in this morning just to see what's what. Great news finally. Another 1.6 lb loss bringing my current weight to 186.8. This is especially great because I made a pact with myself that I could get my much needed pedicure when I hit 187. So yay......I'm there. I will still weigh Friday, so stay tuned.

Now the real reason for this blog: nothing to wear!!! Like most of my new mom friends, my closet is filled with pre-baby size 8's and 10's (yeah right!), maternity clothes (summer and winter), fat clothes (size 16's), and a handful of new items I have bought as the pounds have been coming off. Basically this amounts to a whole lot of nothing. I do have one pair of black pants and one pair of jeans that fit well, but nothing to pair them with on top. This last week really opened my eyes to this when I went to try and get dressed in the 80 degree weather. Plus to make things more complicated, not knowing what might happen with my surgery in the next few months, I hate to buy too many shirts and blouses. I was fortunate to get a 30% off coupon for Kohls this week, so I think I am going to head there this afternoon to see what I can buy for these transitional days. As long as I can get through the spring I will be ok...summer is a whole other story. If I would just lose all of this baby weight I would be in good shape since I have a complete spring and summer wardrobe just waiting and colelcting dust. Maybe one day, but for now I must face the truth and buy clothes to fit my current body-just like Stacy and Clinton always say!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Well, it's not good news for the day. It all started this morning when I went to weigh after an excellent week of working out and eating well. However, the results show that I lost 0 pounds. Yes, some of you optimists can say at least I didn't gain, and that it is definitely true. But, I worked my a__ off this week, and now I am bitter and disappointed. It's amazing how a simple digital number can shape my mood for the day. I was mean to Gary, and not overly affectionate to Gabe, so now I feel bad about that, too. Had the numbers been any lower and I would feel on top of the world. This is what really gets me, too. What if the scale is wrong and I am in this terrible mood for nothing? I did step back on the scale a second time just to make sure it was going to be the same again, and this time it gave me a number 3 pounds heavier! (of course I stuck with the first number). So my point is, I am an idiot to let this scale dictate my day and life for that matter especially when the results may not be 100% accurate. But that is what we do as women, and what we will always do. I am trying to focus on the fact that my clothes fit better, and I feel thinner, but that is still not enough for me!! I wanted to be able to see a weight loss this week!!!! Anyway, enough about this- there is another reason for this terrible mood I am in.

As you read before, I have been working with a group this month for my class. I absolutely hate working with groups, but I thought this time it will be different as we are all grown women now with the same ultimate goal: to do well in school. Apparently not. After our meeting Sunday, we had assigned each member a topic and assignment to complete. Everything had to be due by Thursday(yesterday), but we agreed to have it done Tuesday. So Tuesday comes and I have mine finished, while no one else does. No big deal. Wednesday comes and goes, still no work. Thursday I figure they will have it turned in, but I got online to check last night after Idol, and a section was still not turned in. I know some people literally wait until the last minute, so I went to bed thinking they would come through at some point. Uh...No!! I get to work, check my school email, and see an email from my professor asking where section 2.3 is?????? He had everything else but that section (another girl in the groups responsibility) and needed it turned in ASAP. I don't know where it is, but I do know this. Everyday it is late we lose 10 points, so now we are already at a ten point loss. Not to mention we have had 6 weeks total to work on this particular assignment. I am totally pissed off about this. Once you reach a certain age, I thought you were immune from this kind of stuff, but I guess not. I will be so glad to go back to the normal individual work for the next two assignments.

On a completely different note, Allison just informed me our health insurance premiums are going to go up 20%, along with co-pays, prescriptions, etc. And the rumor is we are going to be taking a 20% pay cut or get paid for a 32 hour work week vs a 40 hour week. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

And it is Friday-normally the best day of the week!! I hate days like this, but hopefully I will get out of this rut by lunch time. The only silver lining to this day so far is today is the day I volunteer at the elementary school library. My new favorite thing. If those kids can't put a smile on my face by then, I am in serious trouble!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mr. Mom

Today I had to meet with my school group at Barnes and Noble to work on our discussion topics. It was pouring down rain, and I had tons of cleaning to do (as always on a Sunday) but knew I was committed to this meeting today. On the way home from our meeting I was thinking about how much I was dreading tackling all the chores I needed to do, plus spend a few hours working on my school work that will be due by tomorrow. I walk through the door and am pleasantly surprised to see that Gabe is still taking his nap. Time to get to work, or so I thought!
Gary had taken care of EVERYTHING for me! This is a list of what he did in the 3 hours I was gone: take the sheets of the bed and put them in the washer, put new clean sheets on the bed, finished washing/drying the sheets then starting a new load, unloaded the dishwasher/filled with dirty dishes, cleaned the garage, finished the second load and started the third, scrubbed the toilets, and vaccuumed the WHOLE house (including the bedroom closets!). There was nothing left for me to do! How did I get so lucky today? Also, I have leftover soup for dinner from last night, so I don't even have to cook dinner tonight! So that leaves me time for this blog entry and fun time to mess around with facebook. However, I do need to start my schoolwork, but when I am done with that I am done for the night. What a wonderful unexpected gift! See husbands-we don't want jewelry and flowers! We just want some good old-fashioned help around the house!